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How do I feel about blog?


 I am trying my best for my blog to meet all the rubric criteria and I think I am doing pretty good with it. I have some struggles thought. Sometimes it's really difficult to write a certain number or words but I write as much as I can.
    I love writing as long as I can write my thoughts. I was a little bit 
stressed when we had to read articles about George Taylor and Kamala Harris. It was difficult for me to read and understand the difference between these two candidates. It took me few times to read each article and compare these two candidates.
    I am putting all my efforts into my blogs. I spend a lot of time on each blog. I am choosing the best pictures for it and I am checking all my grammars to make sure it's in a good shape. After I post my blog, I usually read it one more time and check for grammars. I am trying to follow all the rules that my Instructor gave us and finish all my work in time.
    I don't really mind if someone reads my blog. Just sometimes I can be a little bit embarrassed. What if I say something wrong or I said something that doesn't make any sense, and other people will make fun of me. I feel like it's my personal issue I have for a while. Sometimes I need to understand that it's my writing and it's good the way it is.
    I feel like we already discussed a lot in class and I have nothing to add to it.
    This is actually my first time when I use blog. I have never done it before and I have never thought how cool is to have a blog. I can't be afraid to be myself here and it's really interesting. I never knew that we can leave comments on someone's post. What I think is pretty cool.
     I am excited to use my blog more and learn new things from it.


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