Today's alternate fact is "The entire human body replaces itself about every 7 years." Did anyone know about it? I did not! I think it is pretty interesting fact to read about. But does everyone like to read? I don't think so! Some people might have troubles with reading and understanding what is it about or it takes so much time. For this we have visual facts, videos that we can watch. So, today I am going to compare 2 sources that I chose. One is going to be only primarily text and the other one is primarily visual and you all can decide what is better for you.
A written article is more about understanding and paying attention to each word. In primarily text author includes strong details and strong words since we can't see any pictures. We also can see written examples. We have to have imagination. That way we can imagine pictures in our heads. In the article I chose we can paragraphs and each paragraph has a title and a different meaning. What I think helps the readers follow the information and don't get lost. Also, I would like to point that primarily text written in a formal format. What makes readers trust that article.
A primarily visual is more about listening and watching. In the video I chose we can see a lot of visual examples, explanation and we can see the person who is giving us information. We also can hear music on the background what I think is not necessary. I feel like music distracts us from hearing what that person is saying but at the same time it's fun to watch. Most of the time we are focus on the pictures they are showing us.
If not, then on the person who's giving us information. In the video we can see how person is moving his hands. The way she talks we can decide we if believe her or not.
Works cited:
“7 Ways Kid Bones Are Different From Adult Bones.”
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Accessed 17 Feb. 2020.
Does The Human Body Really Replace Itself Every 7 Years? Accessed 17 Feb. 2020.
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