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Wrestling was the world's first sport.

     Is wrestling the first sport in the world? Yes. It's crazy. I never knew about it! The sport of wrestling has come a long way since it was practiced by our earliest ancestors, becoming a more formal and organized representation of the world's oldest form of competition. These days, traditional and modern forms of wrestling are practiced on every continent and in almost every country.

   According to article: "Wrestling is considered the oldest sport in the world. We know because the famous cave paintings in Lascaux, France, dating back to 15,300 years ago, depict wrestlers. And not only in France either; Paintings with illustrated wresters have been found in caves all over the world, from 7000 BC in Mongolia, from 6000 BC in Libya and in prehistoric caves in Japan. A papyrus fragment was found with wrestling instructions on it, dating somewhere between 100 and 200 AD. And after all this time, it is still one of the most popular sports in the world."
    Wrestling is also one of the most dangerous sports because of physical injuries suffered after wrestling which include concussions, skin diseases, and eating disorders. Physical injuries that stick with you for life are usually cauliflower ear, dislocations, skin diseases, torn ligaments, and concussions. A lot of people stop doing wrestling because of their injures and health.
    There are two wrestling styles: freestyle, which permits holds all over the entire body, and Greco-Roman, in which holds are only permitted from the head to the waistline. Greco-Roman was the first style of wrestling added to the Olympic Games, making its debut in 1896, more than 1,500 years after Greek wrestling was established at the Olympic level. The Greco-Roman style was both the focus and main event of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, and was so popular that it paved the way for emerging styles in the 20th century.
    Every year wrestling  is growing more and more.
Internet and television coverage has allowed the sport to reach more individuals than ever before
, continuing to bring the unique and pure competitive elements of wrestling to spectators and athletes around the world. 

                                                       Works cited:

“History of Wrestling.” RockStar Wrestling Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.“The 5 Oldest Sports in the

World.” Catawiki Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.

The Oldest Sport | National Wrestling Hall of Fame// Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.


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